

5S(Workplace Organization)



Define 5S.


              Based on Japanese words that begin with S, the 5S philosophy focuses on effective work place organization and standardized work procedures. 5S simplifies your work environment, reduces waste and non-value activity while improving quality, efficiency and safety.


If you're going to do it, do it RIGHT!

                              Sort means that you remove all items from the workplace that are not needed for current production operations.



  • Unneeded of equipment, trims and others tools for current production to avoid obstacle to production activities.

  •  Quality defects result from unneeded in-process inventory and machines breakdown.

  • Large quantity of inventory requires more space and management.

Sort - (Seiri)

  • Identify all necessary and unnecessary items.

  • Move unnecessary items from workplace to a designated area or "throw it out".

  • Remove a1l excess items from working areas - work pieces,personal items etc.

  • Organize all remaining necessary items.

  • Designate a team to "hunt down unnecessary items".

Sort - (Seiri)
Red Tagging

              An effective visual method to identify these unneeded items is called red tagging. A red tag is placed on all items not required to complete your job. These items are then moved to a central holding area. This  process is for evaluation of the red tag items.

Red-Tag Rule of Thumb

How often is it used? What to do with it.
Never used
Give,sell,or throw away
Once or twice a year
Store in a distant place
Once a month
Store in the facility
Once a week
store in the area
Once a day
Keep at the workplace or carry

               Sort - (Seiri) 

  •  Sorting

  •  Frees up valuable floor space

  • Eliminates such things as broken tools

  • Prevent mistakes, miss-usage, miss transport etc

  • Create spacious feeling at work place


    Set in order can be defined as arranging needed items so that they are easy to use and labeling them so that they are easy to find and put away.

    • Identify a drawer for threads keeping them cleaned in determined area.
    • All trims must be uniquely placed away organized in  an identified and organized place. Rack, Drawers, etc.
    • Documents, Metals parts as trims, etc
    The second S focuses on efficient and effective storage methods.
          You must ask yourself these questions:
    1. What do I need to do my job?
    2. Where should I locate this item?
    3. How many do I need? 

Principle of storing tools parts of equipment to eliminate waste
  • Locate items in the work place according to their frequency of use
  • Store items together if they are used together,and store them in sequence in which they are used
  • Make storage places larger than the items stored
  • Store  tools according their function 
  • The signboard strategy uses signboards to identify what, where
    and how many.
  • The painting strategy is a method for identifying location on floors
    and walkways.
  • Outlining is a good way to show which parts, equipment and tools are stored where. Outlining simply means drawing outlines of parts, equipment and tools in their proper storage positions.
By implementing second pillar, many problems can be avoided.

When the Set in order is well implemented company will be able to eliminate the following wastes:
  • Motion waste
  • Searching waste
  • Human energy waste
  • Excess inventory waste
  • Defective products waste
  • Unsafe condition waste 
Shine means sweeping floors, wiping off machinery and generally make sure everything on the floor stays clean.

  • Machineries dust off and maintained
  • Floor are free ofany object could create obstacles and danger to employees and the product.
Step 01:
55 team has to define the target for the cleaning activities and they have to nominate the subordinates to involve to this event. Shine targets are grouped in three categories: Inventory items, equipment and space.

Step 02:
Assign the specific areas to individuals. 55 team will make the 53 schedule. It includes who is responsible for cleaning which areas and which days and times of the day. 
Step 03:
It is important to set aside times for these shine activities so that they eventually become a natural part of the workday. Tools required to clean have to be decided. Shorter time has to take to the cleaning activities. Ex:We can ring a bell 5 minutes time per day or play music to clean the individual's working environtnent by them.

Step 04:
Cleaning tools should be stored in the places where they are easy to find,
use and return.
A Clean Workplace enhances
The first three pillars are activities to organize and maintain the workplace. But standardize is the method you use to maintain the first three pillars sort, Set in order and Shine.
Standardize means establishing "Best Manufacturing Practices, including:
  • Workplace Layout and Design
  • Materials Handling Analysis
  • Clear and Concise Work Instructions
  • Well Defined work Methods
  • Safe(Ergonomic) working Practices
  • Cycle Time Reduction
  • Training
  • Documentation
Standardize pillar is to prevent setbacks in the first three pillars, to make implementing them a daily habit, and to make sure that alt three pillars are maintained their fully implemented state.
5S Team has to make the Standardization-level check list to evaluate the maintenance level. 
5S Audit Score

Integrate 3S Duties into regular work duties

         Maintenance of 3S must become a natural part of everyone,s regular work duties. We can launch "5 minutes 5S,, program for every day. It will cover all three pillars (Sort, Set in order and Shine).

       After we have assigned three pillar jobs and have incorporated three pillar maintenance into the everyday work routine, we need to evaluate how well the three pillars are being maintained. 5S Team has to make the Standardization-level check list to evaluate the maintenance level.
                To take this pillar to higher level' we must ask "why.."
  • Why do unneeded items accumulate (despite sort Procedures). . .
  • Why do tools get put back incorrectly (despite set in order Procedures)....
  • Why do floors get dirty (despite shine procedures)" '
When we ask "5 why" repeatedly, we eventually find the source of the problem and can address  that source with a fundamental. Such improvements can help us to develop Unbreakable Standardization.

Sustain making a habit of properly maintaining correct procedures.
The first four pillar can be implemented without any difficultl if the workplace is where employees commit to sustain the 5S conditions

Without sustain the others four pillars will not last longer.
Factory must create conditions oI structures that r,vill help to sustain a commitment to the five pillars such as:

        You and your employees need to understand what the five pillars are and how to important to sustain them.
        You need to have or make enough time in your work schedule to perform 5S daily.
        You need to have support for your efforts from management, in terms of  acknowledgment, leadership and resources.
Rewards & recognition: 
        Your effort need to be rewarded.
Satisfaction & Excitement: 
         Implementation of 5 Pillars must be fun and satisfying for you and the company. Excitement gets communicated from person to person allowing 5S to build as it involves more peopte.

There are many tools and techniques your factory can use to help sustain commitment to 5S implementation. We offer these below so you will be aware of them. And also 5S team can develop some tools for the same purpose.

5S Slogans: 
                 Commiunicate the themes of the five pillar campaign in your factory. They can be displayed    on machines, stickers, flags, or posters

5S Posters: 
                 5S slogans descriptions of 5S activities can be posted throughout the workplace.

5S Photo: 
                Story board "Picture is worth a thousand words." Photo exhibits and Story board showing the before and after of 5S implementation activities.
5S Department tours:
                                  When one department in a company has implemented the five pillars successfully, it can serve as a model area for other departments to come visit. Since "seeing is believing," this technique is extremely effective for promoting 5S implementation throughout a company.

55 Months:
                 Campaigns should be designate two, three or four months every year as "5S Months." During these months, various activities such as 5S seminars, field trips, and contests can be carried out to further promote 5S implementation in the company.


  •  Start with the first 3 Pillars at 4 specific area.
  • Onece is done create a Roll out a plan of cover the entire factory
  • Then Standardize to create the habits of the first 3 pillars through evaluation and ehecklist then built the habits into the system
  • Create a consciousness environment with pictures,posters, activities etc. in order to sustain the changes.

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