

Motion Economy

Selecting the work to be studied:

When you are going to carry out a method study, before selecting the job you have to consider the following:

  1. Economic or cost effective consideration,
  2.  Technical consideration,
  3.  Human consideration.

 Economic consideration: -

 It is obviously a waste of time to start or to continue a long investigation if the economic importance of a job is small, or if it is one that is not expected to run for long section that should always be asked will it pay to be in a method study of this job or will it pay to continue this study obvious choice for study are:

  1. Key profit generating or costly operation or ones with the largest waste rates.
  2.  Bottlenecks, which are holding, up other production operation. 
  3. Operations involving repetitive work a great deal of labors and ones that are lightly to run for a long time.
  4.  Movement of materials over a long distance between workstation those involving the use of a relatively large production of labor or which require repeated handling of materials.

 Technical consideration:

One of the important consideration is the desire by measurement to acquire were advance technology whether in equipment or in process. This management way wants to computerize its office paper work or its inventory system, or to introduce automation in the production operation before such steps are taken, a method study can point out the most important needs of the enterprise in this respect.

 Human consideration:

Certain operation is often a cause of dissatisfaction by workers. They may induce fatigues or monotony or may be waste or clumsy to operate the level of satisfaction should point to needs for method study. This an operation such may be perceived as effective by management may, or the other hand generate a great deal of resentment by workforce if such operations are addressed by work study specialized as part of an overall work study programs. The benefit of work-study can become more appearance to the work force.

 The principle of motion economy:

  1. Use of human body.
  2. Arrangement of the work place.
  3. Design of tools and equipment.  

Use of human body: -

  1. The two hands should begin and complete their movement at the same time.
  2.  The two hand should not be idle at the same time accept during the period of rest.
  3.  Motion of the arm should be symmetrical and in opposite directions should be simultaneously.
  4.  Hand and body motion should be made at the lowest specifications at which it is Possible to do the work satisfactory.
  5.  Continuous curve movements are to be preferred to straight-line motions involving sudden and sharp changes in direction.
  6.  Ballistic (free swinging) movement is faster, easier and more accurate than restricted movement
  7.  “Rhythm” is essential to the smooth and automatic performance of a repetitive operation. The work should be arranged to permit easy and natural rhythm when ever possible.
  8.  Work should be arranged so that eye movements are confined to a comfortable area without the need for frequent changes of focus.

    Classification of movement: -

Body members moved
Hands, finger.
Forearm, hands, finger.
Upper arm, forearm, hands, finger.
Torso, upper arm, forearm, hands, finger.

  Arrangement of the work place: -

1)   Definite and fixed stations should be provided for all tools and materials to permit habit formation.
2)   Tools and materials should be re-positioned to reduce searching.
3)   Tools, material control should be located within the maximum working area and as near to the worker as possible.
4)   Tools, materials should be arranged to permit the best sequence of motions.
5)   A comfortable chair should be provided. It should be possible for the worker to put both knees under the bench.
6)   Adequate natural or artificial lighting should be provided.
7)   A pleasing color scheme makes the work place attractive.

Design of tools and equipment: -

  1. The hand should be relieved of all work of holding the work place where this can be done by jig, fixture or foot operated device.
    Two or more tools should be combined wherever possible.

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