

Textile Wet Processing-I


We will able to know about 

Soaps & Detergents


  • Sources of water
  • Importance of water in textile wet processing
  • Water hardness & It’s measuring units
  • Types of water hardness
  • Classification of water based on hardness
  • Standard water quality for boiler & Textile dye house
  • Problems associated with hard water
  • Estimation of hardness of water
  • Removal of water hardness by water softening treatments- Soda-lime process
  • Base-exchange process & De-mineralization process. 

Soaps & Detergents

  • Soaps & Its’ manufacturing process
  • Properties & Selection of soaps
  • Cleaning action of soaps
  • Classification of organic textile chemicals
  • Different types of surface-active agents
  • Detergents & Its’ Classification
  • Difference between soaps & detergents
  • Chemistry, properties and uses of various Acids, Alkalies, Salts
  • Oxidizing Agents and Reducing Agents in Textile Wet Processing.


  • Flow-chart of textile wet processing
  • Chemistry of various impurities in fibres and their removals
  • Singeing
  • De-sizing
  • Scouring of cotton, Jute, Wool and silk fibres
  • Bleaching agents and Methods of bleaching of cotton, Jute, wool and silk fibre
  • Special scouring processes-Solvent scouring and Vapour-loc scouring
  • Estimation of scouring and bleaching effects
  • Estimation of available chlorine in bleaching agents, Faults and damages in Scouring & bleaching.

 Reference Textbook:

  • Technology of Bleaching and Mercerizing by Dr. V.A Shenai (Vol-III)*
  • Dyeing and Chemical Technology of Textile fibres by E.R Trotman*
  • Cellulose Dyeing by John Shore*
  • Practice of Textile Coloration by Md. Forhad Hossain
  • Textile Coloration & Finishing by Warren S. Perking
  • Basic Principle of Textile coloration by Arthur D. Broadbent

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