

Value Stream Mapping (VSM)


 Value Stream Mapping

 A visual representation of material and information flows a product from sales order to finished product.

 VSM is diagnostics tools for

  •  Distinction between the value add and non- value add activities
  •   Shows the linkages between materials and Information flows of a product or process.
  •   Forms the basis for an implementation plan.

 The step of VSM

  • Define and pick the product or product family.
  •   Create current state value stream mapping (CSM).
  •   Create future state value stream mapping (FSM).
  •   Develop an implementation plan and execution.

Select the product family

  •  Start by mapping a large-quantity and high-revenue product family.
  •   Product should pass through similar processes and common equipment
  •  The analysis is limited to an intra-company focus. (Door-to-door in scope within plant walls)
  •  List products within the family

Map the current state

  • Gather the data and information using a data log sheet
  •  Drawing the current state with a pencil
  •   Walk and Understanding how the shop floor currently operates at each process. The foundation for the value state.
  •  Define possible "Waste" at each process
  •  Prepare the "Data Log Sheet"

Map the current state

Splitting the Mapping

  •  Define the process zonage start and end
  •  Define at which level next process takes action
  •   Use Date and Time at start and end of each process in order to link them back


Findings of wastes in different section

  • Waiting Time
  •   Inventory
  •   Defects
  •   Transportation
  •  Dis-connectivity
  •  Excessive Motion


Mapping the Future State

  • Customer demand phase
  •   Continuous flow phase
  •   Leveling phase

Creating continuous flow processes

  • Line balancing
  •   Practicing FIFO
  •  Kanban system
  •   Supermarket
  •   Cellular layout


Basie leveling

  • Leveling involves evenly distributing the work required tofulfill customer demand over period of time (i.e., month,week, day or hour).
  •  Specific measures and techniques used to ensure the smoothness of meeting customer requirements.

Basic leveling tools

  • Heijunka Boxes
  •   The runner (Mizusumashi)

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