

Hierarchy in garment industry

 Hierarchy in garment industry


A system with grades of authority status from highest to the lowest

  1. Grade I-C: Chairman
  2. Grade II-MD: Managing Director
  3. Grade III-ED: Executive Director
  4. Grade IV-D’S: Directors (1. Administration  2. Finance  3. Merchandising)
  5. Grade V-GM: General Manager (1. Production  2. Quality 3. Merchandising)
  6. Grade VI-M’S: Managers (1. Production  2. Quality 3. Merchandising)
  7. Grade VII-Asst M’S: Assistant Managers (1. Production  2. Quality 3. Merchandising)
  8. Grade VIII-LC: Line Chief (A, B, C Categories)
  9. Grade IX-S & I: Supervisors & Inspectors
  10. Grade X-O & W: Operators & Workers


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