

Facility Layout & Cellular Manufacturing

                           Production Layout

 Production Layout is refers to the arrangement of man, machine, equipment.

 Facility layout 

     A Facility layout is refers to the arrangement of man, machine, equipment and other industrial facilities such as receiving and shipping departments, tool rooms, maintenance rooms, employee amenities etc.


Factors of Layout:

  •  Service factor
  • Material factor
  • Movement factor
  • Waiting factor
  • Flexibility factor

Facility Layout Objective

Efficient utilization of 

  • space
  • labor 

Efficient utilization of 

  • space
  • labor 


  • communication and interaction between workers
  • visual control 


  • manufacturing cycle time
  • investment


  • convenience,safety,and comfort of the employees
  • flexibility to adapt to changing conditions

Principles of Layout

  • A good production layout is the one which is able to integrate its workmen, materials, machines in the best possible way.
  • A good production layout is the one which sees very little or minimum possible movement of the materials during the operations.
  • A good production layout is the one which is able to make effective and proper use of space.
  • A good production layout is the one which ensure proper safety and security of working

 Basic Production Layout

  • Process Layout(also called job-shop or functional layout)
  • Product Layout(also called flow-shop layout)
  • Fixed-Position Layout
  • Group technology(Cellular Layout)

Manufacturing Process Layout

A Product Layout

Fixed Position Layout

Example:Airplane manufacturing

Airplane manufacturing

Comparison of Product VS. Process Layout

Conventional Line

  • Changeover are too long 
  • High degree of non-value added related to Waste such as Excess motions, Overproduction, quality, etc. 
  • High labor turnover
  •  High absenteeism 
  • Difficulty in balancing 
  • Lack of communication

Cellular Layout 

Cellular Layout is a Layout which established a cell or team for manufacturing and produce the same product.

 Cell Layout Categories 

 There are many shape designs depending on the type of product: Is it continuous on product or variety of products. 

U- Shaped Cell

L- Shaped Cell

=- Shaped Cell

S - Shaped Cell 

As per Toyota Sewing System

U-Shaped design creates better employees movement from the inside of the work area. 

The leader will be in charge of the first and last process for monitoring the quality and the output. 








Cellular Layout

Benefits of Cellular Layout 

  •  Reduce waste
  • Flexibility to accommodate High-Products-Variety
  • Quick Changeover
  • Employees Participation
  • High quality
  • Better attendance
  • Better control and balancing product flow

Nuts and Bolts 

  • Strong Production Planning system
  • MIS system for quick information flow
  • Strengthen Industrial engineering Work Study Department 
  • Awareness about Lean culture in the entire factory 
  • Standardization of work practices.
  • Linking Cutting and finishing with sewing Department by establishing Kanban and Supermarket as well as Visual Control System to enhance continuous flow.


Nuts and Bolts 

Human Resource issues:

  • Proper training for operators
  • Cross functional training 
  • Team building training for operators
  • Supervisors become coaches
  • Compensation (incentives)
  • Cells need support

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