


What is Leadership?

Leadership influences behavior. Effective leadership creates positive change by inspiring and motivating. It creates an environment where colleagues love their work and strive to perform at their highest capability. Developing leadership skills will help you to engage and inspire your team to achieve their very best.

    Leadership is largely a learned skill. Although some people have a seemingly natural ability to inspire others, everyone can develop  leadership skills over time. In fact, most of us can become very effective leaders. So what are the characteristics of an effective leader?

Eight Characteristics for Effective Leadership 











                      An inspiring vision gives us direction and purpose. It becomes the reason to roll up our sleeves and do the challenging work of creating change (all improvement is driven by change). It makes our work more rewarding and more exciting. Great leaders create and communicate inspirational visions.



              Passion and enthusiasm are contagious. They create positive energy that fuels and drives others to achieve new heights. Great leaders take advantage of every interaction to demonstrate passion and enthusiasm for their work.


               People are naturally attracted to confidence. We want to share in it and we want to be a part of it. We perceive that confident people know what they are doing and where they are going. This is especially important in times of uncertainty – when confidence is particularly scarce. Great leaders project an aura of confidence.



               Consistency builds trust and respect, and we all prefer to follow people we trust (and respect). Use your vision as a touchstone to drive consistency in your actions. Great leaders are reliable and consistent.



              When you motivate others you directly influence them and accelerate the rate at which vision is transformed into reality. People are motivated when they feel challenged and supported while completing worthwhile work. Recognize that the most effective motivation is individualized and your style should be tuned to the individual. Great leaders motivate individuals to do their very best work.



                       Being decisive transforms confidence (knowing what to do) into progress (doing it). For each decision – seek advice, review facts, make a choice, and stick with it. Timely, rational and logical decision making is a key trait for building trust in the capability of the leader. Great leaders recognize that sometimes the worst decision is no decision.



          People thrive on progress. It’s exciting. One of the best ways to build momentum is to demonstrate results, and one of the best ways to consistently demonstrate results is to work in short cycles with frequent “deliveries” (an AGILE† method of working). Focus on the next steps that will help you achieve your vision. Great leaders get things done.



        Humility is a very appealing characteristic. It helps make leaders approachable and likable, and gives them space to make the occasional mistake. Great leaders share credit (leaving the smallest share for themselves) and take on more than their share of responsibility for mistakes.



               In the short term, being conscious of leadership traits and behaviors will help you to engage people in your team and move them in a shared direction. 

             In the long term, mastering leadership skills will open whatever path you choose for your future. Leadership skills provide a great deal of  power to influence others – use that power wisely.


          Leadership is focused on one person – you. There are few better investments than mastering your role as a leader for positive change.





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