

Brief Discussion about this Washing process


Different types of Washing process in washing plant:

  1. Normal wash
  2.  Stone wash
  3.  Enzyme stone wash
  4.   Acid wash
  5.   Bleach wash
  6.   Hand Scrapping
  7.   PP spray
  8.  PP sponging
  9.  Overall wrinkl
  10.  Grinding
  11.  Tagging

Brief  Discussion about this Washing process:

Normal wash :

Objective of Normal Wash:

  • To remove dust, dirt, oil spot, impurities from the garments.
  •  To remove starch presents on the garment fabrics.
  •  For soft feeling to wear the garments after purchasing.
  •  To achieve buyer washing standard.

First step

  • Lot size…………………70 kg twill/canvas garment
  •  Add water, L:R= 1:8-10…….560-700 liter
  • Machine running
  •  Add detergent, 0.5 gm/liter…………..280-350gm
  •  Temperature………….sometime cold and sometime 40∙c to 60∙c
  •  Time………………….5 to 10 minutes
  •  Drop the liquor
  •  Cold wash.

Second step

  •  Add water, L:R= 1:6…….…….420 liter
  •  Washing machine running
  •  Add Fax softener, 0.6 gm/liter…………..252 gm
  •  Add acetic acid, 0.5gm/liter……………..210 gm
  •  Time………………….5 to 10 minutes
  •  Drop the liquor
  •  Unload the garments on trolley.

Third Step: Hydro Extraction  (700-900 rpm)

Hyrdro-extractor is used to remove excess water from the Garments.

Frouth step: Steam dryer / Gas dryer.

  • Load on steam dryer- 50 kg
  •  Temperature: 60-700c

      Time: 40-50mts for dry

      Time: 10-15 mts for cold dry



·        Load on gas dryer – 50 kg,

·        Running the machine

·        Temperature: 70-85 0c

·        Time: 30-35mts for dry

·        Time:10-15 mts for cold dry.

Fifth step:

After drying, quality is checked and good quality Garments will be delivered to Garments factory.


Bleach Wash:

Bleach wash or light stone wash refers to light blue shades of denim. The additional step is bleaching to stone wash. This bleaching is usually carried out by strong oxidizing agents. In industry, most widely used chemicals are sodium hypo-chlorite, calcium hypo-chlorite, hydrogen per oxide and potassium permangate.

Bleach washed Jeans

 Bleach Wash Process of Garments:

A process of bleach wash of 60 kg batch of Denim Long Pant as mentioned below:

First Step: Pre-treatment/Desizing

1.      Batch size....................... 60 kg Denim Long Pant.

2.      Add water @ L: R = 1: 9.............. 540 litres.

3.      Start the machine.

4.      Temperature.................... 60°c

5.      Add Desizing agent @ 0.6 gm / litre ............ 324 gm.

6.      Add Detergent / Antistain @ 1 gm / litre..... 540 gm.

7.      Time................................ 15 to 25 mts.

8.      Drop the liquor.





Second Step: Hot Wash

1.      Add water @ L: R = 1: 9.............. 540 litres.

2.      Temperature....................................... 60°c.

3.      Time................................................... 5 mts.

Third Step: Bleaching

1.      Add water @ L: R = 1: 8.............. 480 litres.

2.      Machine running.

3.      Add bleaching powder (k.c.i) @ 10 gm/litre.. 4800 Gms.

4.      Add soda ash @ 5 gm/litre ............................... 2400 Gms.

5.      Temperature............................................................ 60°c.

6.      Time (Depend upon the shade).................... 12 to 15 mts.

7.      Drop the liquor.

8.      Rinse twice, each 3 minutes.

Fourth Step: Neutral Wash

1.      Add water @ L: R = 1: 9.......................... 540 litres.

2.      Add sodium hyposulphite @ 3 gm/litre ....... 1620 Gms.

3.      Temperature ......................................................... 40°c.

4.      Time (Depend upon the shade).............. 10 to 12 mts.

5.      Drop the liquor.

6.      Rinse one.


Fifth Step: Soft Wash

1.      Add water @ L: R = 1: 8.............. 480 litres.

2.      Add Acetic Acid @ 0.6 gm/litre ..................... 288 Gms.

3.      Cationic softner @ 1 gm/litre ........................ 480 Gms.

4.      Time................................ 5 mts.

5.      Drop the liquor.

6.      Unload the garments to trolley.







Sixth Step: Hydroextractor Machine 
Hydroextraction the garment to remove excess water from the washed garments. 

Seventh Step: Drying Machine

1.      Load 40 kg garments

2.      Set temperature ................ 75°c to 85°c.

3.      Time ......................... 35 to 40 mts.

4.      Time ..................... 10 minutes in cold dry.

Eighth Step: Delivery  

After quality checking garment will be delivery. 


Enzyme Wash: 

Enzymes are bio chemical substances that behave as catalysts toward specific reactions. What makes very interesting the enzymes under a chemical point of view is their high specificity or in other words, their ability to attack selectively a given substrate. 


Enzyme washed female pant

Among the two traditional enzymes used in the treatments of denim garments (amylase to hydrolyze starches and cellulose to degrade in different way's cotton's cellulose) there is another enzyme that can be employed to attack selectively the molecule that constitutes the blue indigo colour resulting ineffective on other kind of dyes. 


The action of enzyme during enzyme wash, it hydrolysis the cellulose, at first it attacks the having projecting fiber and hydrolyzed them. Them it attacks the yarn portion inside fabric and partly hydrolyzed the yarn portion and fadded affect is produced. 

Type of Enzyme:

Mainly two types of enzyme used in Bangladesh. One is Acid Enzyme (liquid) and another is Neutral Enzyme. Neutral Enzyme is two types -a) Powder form b) Liquid form ie, SL Enzyme. 

Acid Enzyme: 

  • Acid enzyme colour is slightly brown.
  • pH range is 4.5 to 5.5
  • Temperature -40°c -55°c.
  • Time required 25 mts to 50 mts.
  • Enzyme affects come within short time.
  • Staining/Bleeding occurs more in garments.
  • Production high.

Neutral Enzyme:

  • Enzyme is slightly white powder form.
  • pH range is 6 to 7.
  • Temperature -40°c -60°c.
  • Time required 40 to 70 mts.
  • Enzyme affects come slowly.
  • Less staining/bleeding on garments.
  • With pumic stone comes good affect/abrasion on garments.
  • In dark shade enzyme affect comes good.

SL Enzyme:

  • SL enzyme is liquid form.
  • pH range is 6 to 7.
  • Temperature range 40°c -60°c.
  • Time required 45 to 80 mts.
  • Enzyme affects come slowly.
  • Less staining/bleeding on garments.
  • With pumic stone come better affect.
  • In dark shade enzyme affect comes good.

Objects of Enzyme Wash:
Enzyme wash is required for the following reasons:-

  • To remove the size materials from the garments.
  • To remove the starch presents on the garments fabrics.
  • To achieve the high low abrasion (stone affect) on garment and seam abrasion in sewing area.


  • Enzyme attack as chemically not mechanically for this reason low damage/wastage then stone wash.
  • For soft feeling to wear the garment.
  • To achieve the buyer reference sample.
  • To increase the color fastness & rubbing fastness.
  • Especially develop the "Bio-Polishing" affect of cotton/denim.
  • Enzyme improves the anti-pilling properties.
  • Enzyme attacks more the surface of the fabrics and gives a very smooth surface.

Enzyme Washing Process:
I have also written article on Enzyme Wash in medium shade. The enzyme washing process of batch of 60 kgs denim men's long pants (Trouser) are described below:- 

First Step:Desizing

1.      Lot weight (80 pes) ............ 60 kg denim long pant.

2.      Add water @ L : R = 1 : 9 .............. 540 Litre

3.      Machine Running.

4.      Temperature.......................... 60°c.

5.      Add Desizing agent @ 0.6 gm / litre ............ 324 gm.

6.      Add Detergent @ 0.8 gm / litre.................... 432 gm.

7.      Time...............................10--20 mts.

8.      Drop the liquor.

9.      Wash 1 time by cold water.

Second Step:Enzyme

1.      Add water @ L : R = 1 : 8 .............. 450 Litre

2.      Temperature.......................... 45°c.

3.      Add Acetic Acid @ 0.6 gm / litre ................... 270 gm.

4.      Add Anti back staining @ 0.6 gm / litre........ 270 gm.

5.      Add Acid Enzyme @ 2.00 gm / litre ................ 900 gm.

6.      Time .............. (Depend upon the shade )...40--60 mts.

7.      Increase temperature to 90°c and run 1 minute (enzyme killing).

8.      Drain the bath.

9.      Rinse Twice, each 3 minutes.

Third Step:Softening

1.      Add water @ L : R = 1 : 8 ..................... 450 Litre.

2.      Add Acetic Acid @ 0.6 gm / litre ............ 270 gm.

3.      Cationic Softner @ 1 gm / litre.............. 450 gm.

4.      Temperature................................... Cold.

5.      Time ................................................ 15 to 20 mts.


6.      Drain the bath.

7.      Then unload the garments on trolley.

Fourth Step:Hydroextractor Machine 
After unloading garments from the washing machine then they are sent to hydroextractor machine to remove excess water from the washed garments. 

Fifth Step:Drying Machine

1.      Load 60 kg garments to gas dryer.

2.      Temperature set -75°c to 85°c.

3.      Run about 40 mts.

4.      After then run 10 mts in cold dryer.

Sixth Step: Delivery 

After dryer, garment goes to quality section for quality checking and good one delivery.



Acid Wash:


During Acid wash, pumic stones are used. By the action of pumic stones, irregular fading affect is developed on the heavy garments like denims, thick canvas/twill, and sweater. The pumic stones act a brushing action on the garment fabric surface. The area where more brushing action takes place there more dicolour or fadding affect is developed and the area where less brushing action takes place less brushing action and takes place less fadding affect will be developed. The multi-layer fabric areas like –collar, calf, pocket, placket, side seam etc area will be brushed more than the single layer areas. As a result irregular fadding affect will be developed on the garments fabric surface. Thus in this way fading affect may be developed on the garment by acid wash technique.


Acid washed pant



Objects of Acid Wash: 
1. To produce irregular fading effects or old looking effect. 
2. For soft feeling to wear the garments i.e. to improve softness. 
3. To achieve the buyer washing standard. 
4. To increase rubbing fastness

Acid Wash Process:
A processor Acid wash of 60 kg batch of Denim Trouser as mentioned below:- 

First Step: Pretreatment/Desizing. 

1.      Add water @ L : R = 1 : 10 .............. 600 litres.

2.      Start Machine.

3.      Add desizing agent @ 1 gm/litre .................600 Gms.

4.      Add detergent @ 1 gm/litre ........................ 600 Gms.

5.      Temperature............................. 60°c.

6.      Time........................... 20 mts.

7.      Drop the liquor.

8.      Rinse one for 3 minutes (cold).

Second Step:Hot wash 

1.      Add water @ L: R = 1: 10.............. 600 litres.

2.      Temperature............................. 60°c.

3.      Time........................... 5 mts.

4.      Drop the liquor.

5.      Here hot wash is used to remove the adhering materials from the garment surface.

6.      Unload the garments from the washing m/c in the trolley.

7.      Load the pre treated garments in the dryer m/c.

8.      Dry the garment completely & unload the garments.

9.      The pumic stones used for acid wash need to pre-treat in the following chemical solution:

10. Water ..................... 100 L

11. Potassium per manganate.............. 1000 Gms.

12. Phosphoric Acid............................... 250 Gms.

13. Stire the solution in a stainless steel tub with dry pumic stone.

14. Soak the stones with the chemical solution ......... 10 –15 minutes.

15. The stones will pick up the solution. Then the soaked stones are dried in the open air for.............. 2 to 3 hrs.

16. Then pre-treated garment 30 –40 kg per batch load in the dry washing machine.

17. Load the per-treated stones (about 50 kg) in washing machine.

18. Start machine running for each batch ........................ 7 to 10 mts.

19. Stop machine running.

20. Unload the treated garment separately. Pumic stones with P.P. solution hit on garment surface as a result fadding will be developed.



Third Step:Wash for Cleaning 

1.      Batch wt................................ 70 kg.

2.      Add water @ L: R = 1: 8.............. 560 litres.

3.      Add detergent @ 1 gm/litre .............560 Gms.

4.      Temperature............................. 40°c -50°c.

5.      Time ..................................10 mts.

6.      Drop the liquor.

7.      Here detergent is used to remove the breaking stone dust and chemicals from the garment surface.

Fourth Step:Whitening/Neutralization

1.      Add water @ L: R = 1: 8.............. 560 litres.

2.      Machine running.

3.      Add Metabisulphite @ 5 gm/litre..... 2800 Gms.

4.      Cold temperature.

5.      Time 5 mts.

6.      Drop the liquor.

Fifth Step: Soft Wash

1.      Add water @ L: R = 1: 7.............. 490 litres.

2.      Machine running.

3.      Add Acetic acid @ 0.6 gm/litre ..................... 294 Gms.

4.      Add Softner @ 1 gm/litre ........................ 490 Gms.

5.      Then unload the garments.

Sixth Step: Hydro Extractor Machine 

  • Hydro extractor machine to remove excess water from the garments.

Seventh Step: Dryer Machine. 

  • After hydro extraction the garments are sent to drying m/c for complete drying.

Eighth Step: Quality & Delivery. 

  • After drying the garments go to quality checking & rectify washing fault and then good one delivery.


  • Maintain the stock solution properly constant when comes socking the stone.


  • No water licks age in to the machine when treated pumic stone & garments in to the machine.
  • Not excess load the garments in the Acid wash processing.
  • Add some new stone after finishing on batch to maintain the volume for 2nd batch. It is a matter of experience. 

Stone Wash:


In order to accelerate the garment wash effect and to give garments an even more unique appearance and softer hand, abrasive stones were introduced to the wash bath. A variety of natural and synthetic stones are available for stonewashing with perhaps the most widely used being pumice or volcanic rock. As the stones are used, they slowly disintegrate, reducing the severity of the stonewash effect over a period of time. The stones not only abrade the fabric but also gradually abrade the inside of the rotary drum. A machine used for stonewashing should not be used to dye delicate articles or when abrasion would be detrimental to the fabric.


Object of Stone Washing: 

1.      To create or produce irregular fading or old looking affect on garments.

2.      To remove dust, oil spot, impurities from the garments.

3.      For soft felling to wear the garments i.e; to improve softness.

4.      To achieve the buyer washing standard.


       When the impurities amount will be 10% of a pumic stone its 

density increases to 1 gm/cm3.   Then the stone will not float.

      Alternative of pumic stone: SYNTHETIC STONE

      Stone wt. /fabric wt. = 0.5 to 3 /

      Dia.of stone-1-7 cm

      Moisture content-less than 5%

      Surface properties-less than 5% fines

      Apparent Density-0.5-0.75gm/cm3

      Abrasion loss-35%

      Large, hard stones last longer and may be suited for heavy weight fabrics only.

      Smaller, softer stones would be used for light weight fabrics and more delicate



Procedure of Stone Washing:

1. Load stones into machine. 
2. Load garments into machine (ratio usually 0.5 - 3.0 part weight stones:1 part weight




3. Desize with alpha amylase enzyme and detergent. Liquor ratio approximately 5-8:1. 
4. Rinse. 
5. Refill and tumble with stones 30 to 90 minutes, depending upon desired effect. Liquor ratio 5-8:1 at 50-70◦C. Scouring additives can also be used. 
6. Drain. Separate garments from stones (garments can be transferred to another machine). 
7. Rinse. 
8. Apply softener (garments can be transferred to another machine for softening). 
9. Extract and unload. 
10. De-stone and tumble dry. 
11. Press, if required. 

Softeners and/or lubricants can be added during steps three and five to reduce creasing potential. Steps 8, 9, and 10 may vary depending upon individual mill arrangement. 

Stonewash with Chlorine:

By incorporating chlorine in the stonewash procedure, a color reduction of the indigo (or other chlorine sensitive dyestuff) is obtained. It is very important that any residual chlorine be removed before drying to prevent fiber degradation. This is accomplished by using an antichlor step with sodium bisulfite or hydrogen peroxide. 

Working Procedure:
1. Load stones into machine. 
2. Load garments into machine (ratio usually 0.5 - 3.0 part weight stones:1 part garments). 
3. Desize with alpha amylase enzyme and detergent (liquor ratio approximately 10:1). 
4. Rinse. 
*5. Refill and add sodium or calcium hypochlorite. 
6. Heat to 55◦C. 
7. Tumble 15 minutes. 
8. Add second portion of sodium or calcium hypochlorite. 
9. Tumble 15 minutes, maintaining temperature of 55◦C. 
10. Drain. 
11. Rinse well. 
12. Antichlor with sodium bisulfite or hydrogen peroxide. 
13. Drain. Separate garments from stones (garments can be transferred to another machine). 
14. Rinse well. 
15. Apply softener. 
16. Extract and unload. 
17. De-stone and tumble dry. 
18. Press, if required. 

* Amount of sodium or calcium hypochlorite required will vary depending upon desired level of bleach down and the sensitivity of the color to chlorine. Each addition can range from 0.075% to

0.225% available chlorine. pH should be kept above 9.0, preferably 10.5-11.0. This is accomplished with the addition of soda ash with each addition of hypochlorite. 

Stone Enzyme Wash:


Now in our Bangladesh maximum Denim garment washing is done by stone enzyme wash. It is most popular wash for Buyer. 

Objects of Stone Enzyme Wash: 
1. To create irregular fading affect on old looking affect on garments. 
2. To remove dust, dart, oil spot, impurities from the garments. 
3. For soft feeling to wear the garments i.e. to improve softness. 
4. To achieve the buyer washing standard. 
5. To remove the size materials from the garments. 
6. To improve anti-pilling properties. 

Process of  Stone Enzyme Wash:

A process of stone enzyme wash of 60 kg batch of Denim Long Pant as mentioned below:


First Step: Pretreatment/Desizing

1.      Batch size....................... 60 kg Denim Long Pant.

2.      Add water @ L: R = 1 : 9 ............................ 540 litres.

3.      Start the machine.

4.      Temperature.................... 60°c

5.      Add Desizing agent @ 0.6 gm / litre................. 324 gm.

6.      Add Detergent / Antistain @ 1 gm / litre ......... 540 gm.

7.      Time................................ 15 to 25 mts.

8.      Drop the liquor.

Second Step: Hot Wash

1.      Add water @ L: R = 1: 9.............. 540 litres.

2.      Temperature.................................... 60°c.

3.      Time................................................. 5 mts.

Third Step:

1.      Add water @ L : R = 1 : 8 .............. 480 litres.

2.      Add pumic stone @ ½ vol of garments.

3.      Add Enzyme @ 1.50 gm/litre ..................... 720 Gms.

4.      Add Acetic Acid @ 0.6 gm/litre .................. 288 Gms.

5.      Add Antistain @ 0.8 gm/litre ..................... 384 Gms.


6.      Temperature......................................... 40°c to 50°c

7.      Time (Depend upon the shade) .......... 60 to 70 mts.

8.      Then temperature raise to 90°c for 1 minute.

9.      Drop the liquor.

10. Rinse Twice, each 3 minutes.

11. Then pumic stone out from washing machine

Fourth Step: Bleaching

1.      Add water @ L: R = 1: 8.............. 480 litres.

2.      Machine running.

3.      Add bleaching powder (k.c.i) @ 10 gm/litre ....4800 gms.

4.      Add soda ash @ 5 gm/litre................................ 2400 gms.

5.      Temperature........................................................... 60°c.

6.      Time (Depend upon the shade) ..................... 12 to 15 mts.

7.      Drop the liquor.

8.      Rinse twice, each 3 minutes.

Fifth Step: Neutral Wash

1.      Add water @ L: R = 1: 9 ............................ 540 litres.

2.      Add sodium hyposulphite @ 3 gm/litre ....... 1620 Gms.

3.      Temperature..................................................... 40°c.

4.      Time ............................................................. 10 to 12 mts.

5.      Drop the liquor.

6.      Rinse one.

Sixth Step: Soft Wash

1.      Add water @ L : R = 1 : 8 .............. ..............480 litre.

2.      Add Acetic Acid @ 0.6 gm/litre ..................... 288 Gms.

3.      Cationic softner @ 1 gm/litre ........................ 480 Gms.

4.      Time................................ 5 mts.

5.      Drop the liquor.

6.      Unload the garments to trolley.

Seventh Step: Hydroextractor Machine

  • Hydro extraction the garment to remove excess water from the washed garments.

Eighth Step: Drying Machine

1.      Load 40 kg garments

2.      Set temperature ................ 75°c to 85°c.


3.      Time ......................... 35 to 40 mts.


4.      Time ..................... 10 minutes in cold dry.

Ninth Step:Delivery

  • After quality checking garment will be delivery.

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