

Garments Term & Definition

 Garments Term & Definition


Allowance is the  addition as extra to the exact measurement of the body with which a garment is made out.

 Allowance হল শরীরের সঠিক পরিমাপের অতিরিক্ত হিসাবে যা দিয়ে একটি পোশাক তৈরি করা হয়।


 Basic block pattern:

The pattern which is made in accordance with the area of different part of the human body without allowance and style.

যে প্যাটার্নটি Allowance এবং Style ছাড়াই মানবদেহের বিভিন্ন অংশের ক্ষেত্রফল অনুসারে তৈরি করা হয়।


  Bar tack: 

Re-stitching over a very short length to give and increase the area a high load bearing strength. For example belt loops and corners of pocket are bar tacked.

একটি উচ্চ লোড ভারবহন শক্তি দিতে এবং বৃদ্ধি করার জন্য খুব অল্প দৈর্ঘ্যের উপর পুনরায় সেলাই করা। যেমন বেল্ট লুপ এবং পকেটের কোণে বার ট্যাক করা হয়।


  Blind Stitch:

Blind Stitch is a Special type of stitch that is not visible at the face side but the sewing thread is visible of back side. This stitch does not penetrate and perforate fully.

Blind Stitch হল একটি বিশেষ ধরনের সেলাই যা মুখের দিকে দৃশ্যমান নয় কিন্তু সেলাইয়ের সুতোটি পিছনের দিকে দৃশ্যমান। এই সেলাই সম্পূর্ণরূপে প্রবেশ করে না এবং ছিদ্র করে না।


 Sample Garment:

Which is need for bulk production is called sample garment.

যা Bulk Production এর জন্য প্রয়োজন  তাকে Sample Garment বলে।


 Sample Garment:

Which is need for bulk production is called sample garment.

যা Bulk Production এর জন্য প্রয়োজন  তাকে Sample Garment বলে।


Approved sample:

According to specimen sheet, the sample which is approved by buyer is called approved sample.


Counter sample:

The sample which is followed by approved sample is called counter sample. For smooth production it is necessary.


It is a hard paper which is made by following each individual component for a style of garments.

এটি একটি শক্ত কাগজ যা পোশাকের শৈলীর জন্য প্রতিটি পৃথক উপাদান অনুসরণ করে তৈরি করা হয়।

Production pattern:
To make pattern for a particular style with net dimension along with allowance.

 Allowance সহ এবং নেট ডাইমেনশন সহ একটি নির্দিষ্ট শৈলীর জন্য প্যাটার্ন তৈরি করা।


Disposable garments:

The garments which are not used further after using ones i.e. the garments which are thrown after using ones are called disposable garments.



Without fabric, all the things that are need for the garments production is called trimmings, such as sewing thread, button, interlining etc.


With trimmings also includes hang tag, poly bag, tissue paper etc.



The join between two or more pieces of material. Seams are usually formed by sewing.



Stitch is the unit formed by sewing thread from a sewing machine.


CM :

This refers to the manufacturing cost and this term means “Cut and Make”. The buyer supplies all the materials to the manufacturer.



  The term means “Cut, Make and trim”. The buyer provides the fabric and the supplier makes the garments.  



This terms means “free on Board” The supplier is responsible for all the charges (including export licenses, export taxes, etc.) and risks until the goods have passed over the ship’s rail at the port of shipment; the merchandise must be cleared for export. The buyer contracts and pays for the freight and bears all risks for loss or damage to the goods as soon as the merchandise passes the ship’s rail. The buyer also pays for all import duties and clears the goods through customs at the point of destination.


FOB Airport (FOA):

This is similar to the term FOB except that the mode of transportation is an air carrier. The supplier fulfills his obligations after he has delivered the goods to the air carrier. The goods must be cleared for export by the supplier.


CIF (cost insurance, freight):

    The seller’s price includes all charges, freight and insurance up to the point where the ship carrying the goods arrives at the port of destination; the goods must be cleared for export by the seller. From that point the buyer has to bear all charges and risks, including unloading costs.



    A documentary credit, or letter of credit is an undertaking issued by a bank for the account of the buyer (applicant), to pay the seller (beneficiary) provided the terms and conditions of the documentary credit are complied with.


Back to Back L/C:

                         When a L/C is opened against master L/C to import or collect raw materials to produce and supply the garment is called back to back L/C.


Grain line:

               A straight line marked on a pattern piece to ensure warp or wale direction to ensure the pattern piece is correctly positioned and cut to achieve the required appearance in the finished garments i.e. pattern pieces normally carry a line is called grain line.


Linge no:

    It is a measuring unit of the button. It indicates the diameter of the button.

    If the diameter increase then linge no is also increased.

    We know, 11 mm diameter= 16 linge

    So, 1 mm diameter= 1.46 linge



           It is a model exactly similar to the shape of the body of a man. It is usually used to check fitting of garments. Different sizes dummy are found for men, women, kids etc.



    The measurement of arm hole is called scye.

C.F.L (central front line/length):

The length between top button Centre to the bottom of the front.


C.B.L (central back line):

The length between middle points of collar to the bottom of a shirt (backside) is called C.B.L



Bangladesh garments manufacturers and exporters association


Bangladesh textile Mills Corporation


Least developed country


World trade organization.


Free trade agreement


Garments Term & Definition

Garments Term & Definition

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