

Textile Production Management


 We will able to know
  1. Definition of Management
  2. Functions of Management
  3. Management Techniques
  4. Dimension of Management
  5. Management Tools
  6.  Maslow’s Theory of Human’s Needs.
  7. Introduction of Production & Operation Management
  8. Objectives of Production & Operation Management
  9. Functions of Production & Operation Management.
  10. Modern Production Techniques
  11. Manufacturing Trends and Challenges
  12. Principles Make-or-Buy
  13. Lean Production
  14. JIT Manufacturing
  15.  Definition; Types of Production Methods
  16. Size of Production Units 
  17. Purposes of PPC
  18. Functions of PPC
  19. Inventory Control
  20. MRP
  21. Plant Layout and Location
  22. Factors for Plant Location
  23. Plant Location Trends
  24. Quantitative Analysis for Plant Layout
  25. Process and Materials Handling Consideration in Layout.
  26. Types of maintenance
  27. Breakdown maintenance
  28. Preventive maintenance
  29. Individual versus group replacement
  30. Internal versus external maintenance
  31. Queuing theory
  32. Application of queuing theory
  33. Input characteristics
  34. Queue characteristic
  35. Service characteristic
  36. Mathematical approach
  37. Definition of work measurement
  38. Objectives of work measurement 
  39. Techniques of work measurement
  40. Stop watch time study
  41. Timing methods
  42. Performance rating
  43. Standard timing
  44. Allowance factors
  45. Importance of Time and Motion Study
  46. Components of Work Study
  47. Steps in Time Study
  48. Points to be considered during Time Study
  49. Different Types of Charts for Work Study

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