

Special Apparel Manufacturing


Fire fighters dress
Fire fighters dress

We will able to know...........

  1. Fashion house in Europe and USA: brief discussion
  2. Fashion trends in different countries: Traditional including modifications to ethnic design
  3. Modern Trends in Fashion and design: Maintaining corporate Social Responsibilities in Apparel industry
  4. Physiological process of maintaining constant core temperature of human body: Mechanism of heat transfer from human body
  5. Concept of apparel design, heat transfer and comfort
  6. Thermal Underwear
  7. Water and wind proof garments
  8. Breathable fabrics and garments
  9. Fire proof garments
  10. Rain Coats
  11. Racing Drivers garment
  12. Jogging suit
  13. Space Suit
  14. Divers suit
  15. Study on PPE(personal protection equipment) and safety items
  16. Fashion: definition
  17. Fashion capital
  18. Fashion week
  19. Types of apparel in accordance with fashion cycle
  20. Product life cycle of fashionable product.

Referred Books:

  1. Garments and Merchandising by Prof. M.A. Kashem
  2. Intelligent Textiles and Clothing by Dr. Hekki Matilla
  3. Fashion Marketing, Edited by Mike Easey

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