

SMV(Standard Minute Value)|SMV Calculation|What is standard minute value?What is SMV?


SMV(Standard Minute Value) Calculation

What is SMV(Standard Minute Value)?

SMV: It is the time required to complete one piece of garment by a qualified(standard ) operator at standard condition.

What is standard time?

Standard time: Standard time is the total time in which a job should be completed as standard performance.

What is standard performance?

Standard Performance: Standard performance is the rate of output which qualified workers will naturally  achieve without over exertion as an average over the working day of shift.

 What is Qualified Worker(Operator)?

Qualified Worker(Operator):A qualified worker is one who is accepted as having the necessary physical attributes, who possess the required intelligence and education and who has acquired the necessary skill and knowledge to carry out the work in hand to satisfactory standards of safety, quantity and quality.

What is Observed Time?

 Observed Time:The time taken to complete a particular task to be observed time.

What is Cycle Time?

Cycle Time: The cycle time is the amount of time it takes to complete a specific task from start to finish.

What is Rating Factor?


 Rating is a technique used to assess the speed and “effectiveness” of an operator.

What is Basic Time? 

Basic Time:The basic time for the operation is found by applying concept of rating to relate the observed to that of a standard place of working.

Write down the Calculation of Basic Time.

 Calculation of Basic Time:Calculation of Basic Time is as follow

Basic Time(BT)=Observe Time X Observe Rating

What is Normal Time?

Normal Time: Same as Basic Time.

What is Allowance Factor?

Write down the Calculation of SMV.

SMV= Basic Time + ( Basic Time X Allowance Factor)

Write down the Drivers Of SMV.

The Drivers of SMV are given below 

  1. Standard Manpower
  2. Standard Environment
  3. Standard Machine
  4. Standard Method

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