



Job Responsibilities:

Designation        : Production coordinators

Department        : Production

Reporting Boss   : Factory Manager

Working area      : ABC Company

Daily job description:


1.     Making production report and production analysis.

2.     Checking mail and inform to factory manager.

3.     Calling for a everyday production meeting.

4.     Collection hourly production and inform to factory manager.

5.     Monitoring and repairing defected garments.

6.     Checking received materials all time.

7.     Follow-up size set garments.

8.     Arranging internal PP meeting.

9.     Collection of PO sheet from cutting.

10. Production monitoring and inform all matter to factory manager.

11. Follow-up sent and received wash garments.



Weekly job description:

1.     Making weekly production report with cutting and finishing.

2.     Collection of style wise cutting breakdown and cutting% after cutting completed.

3.     Making style closing report.

4.     Sending excess garments to head office according to style closing report.

Monthly job description:

1.     Making monthly production report.

2.     Calling for a monthly production meeting.



Job responsibilities:

Designation              : Junior Supervisor

Department             : Production

Reporting Boss        : Line Supervisor

Working area           : ABC Company


Job description:


1.    Enter into the factory timely on every day.

2.    Helping to supervisor in line setting in every morning.

3.    Taking input from cutting and supplying to every operator according to breakdown and serial.

4.    Checking serial number in every process and making serial, if necessary.

5.    Checking enough input have or not in every process and supplying input if necessary.

6.    Collection of necessary cuff and collar from make section and supplying these to line.

7.    To inform supervisor if any problem occur in the line.

8.    Collection of hourly production from every process if necessary.

9.    To help supervisor at the time of sample making.

10. Repairing rejected garments.

11. Supplying fabrics two time for cleaning the machine and encourage the operator

12.Collection of alter garments timely from QC table and finishing section and supplying these to have repair by operators  process wise and sending these in QC table and finishing by maintaining register.



Job responsibilities:

Designation       : Production supervisor

Department       : Production

Reporting Boss  : Production Manager

Working area     : ABC Company


Job description:


1.     To enter into the Factory timely on every day.

2.     To setup line in every morning.

3.     Collection of necessary guide, folder needle etc of every machine by own self.

4.     To inform about necessary m/c, guide and folder to maintenance manager of every style.

5.     To inform maintenance when occurring any problem in any m/c and take necessary initiatives quickly to repair.

6.     Supplying sample to operators according to his/her process at the time of style changeover.

7.     Making sample garments and arranging PP meeting timely.

8.      To present in production meeting in everyday.

9.     To meet production target according to SMV and number of worker from factory manager timely.

10. To inform production manager when occurring any problem in line.

11.  Completing quickly layout at the time of style changeover so that no lack in production.

12. Making standard quality garments.

13.  Controlling WIP and balancing line.

14. To collect hourly production and inform to production manager.

15. Monitoring every process and if failed in any process to fill target then talking with this operator and taking necessary steps to fill target.

16.  Making awareness in every operator about their capacity according to R&D.

17. Taking necessary initiatives about the coming input enough or not from cutting and make section and if necessary talking with cutting and make section manager.

18.To guide the junior supervisors of line.

19.To avoid the production hampering works.

20.To take decision quickly about any topics in timely and take advice from production manager.

21.To maintain good relationship with all department to increase production.


Job responsibilities:

Designation       : Production Manager

Department       : Production

Reporting Boss  : Factory in-charge

Working area     : ABC Company.


Job description:


1.     To assist supervisor in line setting.

2.     Production planning by considering manpower, machine and style.

3.     Giving necessary advice to supervisor for production.

4.     Taking necessary initiatives by considering shipment.

5.     To analysis every line performance according to efficiency and man-machine ratio.

6.     Making Update plan in every time for factory development.

7.     To analysis quality data for standard quality of garments.

8.     To communicate all time with others department (Merchandiser, Fabric store, Cutting team, Finishing team and R&D).

9.     Leading PP meeting.

10.  To take necessary initiatives so that in compliance work cannot occur.

11.   To inform about all problem to factory in-charge.

12. Working according to cut to ship loss policy.

13.   Updating production related data.

14. To communicate with wash, print, embroidery etc supplier.










Job responsibilities:

Designation       : Cutting supervisor

Department       : Cutting

Reporting Boss  : Cutting manager

Working area     : ABC Company.


Job description:

1.     To enter into the Factory timely on every day.

2.     To present everyday in cutting meeting.

3.     To determine the quality of every cutting parts.

4.     To inform about every problem to cutting manager.

5.     Collection of marker according to cutting plan.

6.     Supplying cutting instruction to every worker of cutting section.

7.     Making cutting and input report in everyday.

8.     Making cutting plan and work accordingly every day.

9.     Making cutting breakdown according to order wise.

10. Collection of cutting approval and starting cutting according to cutting manager.

11. Collection of fabric blanket and making marker accordingly.

12. To communicate with store department of factory to know the fabric condition.

13. After 1st lot inspection to inform to cutting in charge about fabric defects.

14. To supervise for input whether it is enough or not to fulfill production.










Job responsibilities:

Designation       : Cutting manager

Department       : Cutting

Reporting Boss: Factory in- charge

Working area     : ABC Company


Job description:

1.     Monitoring 5S and making awareness among the cutting staff about it.

2.     Monitoring 5S of cutting department.

3.     Making update production plan by communicating with production planner/store.

4.     To communicate with sample section for update approval.

5.     To present in PP meeting.

6.     To present in production meeting.

7.     Making cutting plan according to order.

8.     Distributing responsibilities to all cutting staff.

9.     Discussing with production manager about update input status.

10.   Making cutting report after completing every order.

11. Fabric cutting by checking fabric consumption.

12.To ensure cutting quality.

13. Giving advice to cutting supervisor about cutting.

14.Making internal update factory plan.

15.  Reducing fabric wastage.

16. To inform to factory manager when occurring any problem and try to solve.

17.  To communicate with planning and pattern department if necessary.

18.  To communicate with production manager about next factory plan and size set making.






Job responsibilities:

Designation       : Finishing Jr. Supervisor

Department       : Finishing

Reporting Boss: Finishing supervisor

Working area     : ABC Company

Job description:

1.     To enter into the Factory timely on every day.

2.     Collection of all finishing accessories according to order and style.

3.     To present in finishing production meeting in everyday.

4.     To supervise in garments finishing from starting to end with carefully.

5.      Help to supervisor to fulfill production target.

6.     Collection of standard quality production from worker according to their capacity by giving proper instruction.

7.     Taking necessary steps to maintain good compliance in finishing department.

8.     To inform to supervisor about any problem in finishing.

9.     Collection of folding approval from sample section.

10. To inform to finishing in-charge if there is any accessories are not stored.

11.   To arrange accessories properly by collecting.














Job responsibilities:

Designation       : Finishing supervisor

Department       : Finishing

Reporting Boss: Finishing manager

Working area     : ABC Company

Job description:

1.     To enter into the Factory timely on every day.

2.     To help finishing in-charge in making layout according to order and style.

3.     To present in production meeting in finishing department every day.

4.     To supervise in garments finishing from starting to end with carefully.

5.     To fulfill production target from finishing in-charge.

6.     Collection of standard quality production from worker according to their capacity by giving proper instruction.

7.     To make awareness in workers in order not to make garments rejected at the time of ironing.

8.     To guide junior supervisor properly.

9.     Taking necessary steps to maintain good compliance in finishing department.

10.  Taking proper steps to avoid any kinds of misuse and survive good practices.

11. Collection of folding approval from sample section.

12. To inform finishing in-charge if any accessories are not stored.

13. To inform finishing in charge if any kind of problems occur.










Job responsibilities:

Designation       : Finishing manager

Department       : Finishing

Reporting Boss: Factory in charge

Working area     : ABC Company

Job description:

1.     Monitoring compliance of own department.

2.     To setup manpower according to layout.

3.     Offering everyday production target.

4.     To help factory manager in making production and shipment schedule.

5.     Monitoring production from cutting to finishing.

6.     To take necessary initiatives to meet shipment date according to buyer and communicate with production manager if necessary.

7.     To follow-up buyer’s quality instruction (like-ratio, assortment, tagging style, poly bag etc) whether the packing system is accordingly or not.

8.     To follow-up the completed packing is according to order or not before the final inspection.

9.     Making packing list, supplying it to quality manager, merchandiser and production manager.

10.  Collection of shipment related document of every style.

11.  Giving instruction to packing and folding team according to Buyer’s quality and demand.

12.  To inform to factory manager about any kind of problems.

13.  To stay with buyer at the time of final inspection and solve any kind of problems if occur.

14.  To meet shipment after final inspection by talking with concerned merchandiser and commercial transporter.

15.To communicate with buying QC for shipment schedule.

16. To communicate with C.N.F of Chittagong after shipment.

17. To communicate with merchandiser if finishing accessories are not present.

18.  Checking the sample approval of any style before starting of finishing.

19.Making the report of cut to ship loss.

20.  Reducing the finishing wastage.

21.  To take necessary action quickly to repair the alter garments by communicating with sewing floor.





Job responsibilities:

Designation       : Junior officer

Department       : Store

Reporting Boss: Executive

Working area     : ABC Company

Job description:

1.     To enter into the Factory timely on every day.

2.     Receiving materials from supplier according to order and style.

3.     To register materials in swatch card according to style.

4.     To register materials in primary inventory register according to packing list and delivery.

5.     To approve master trim card by quality manager in sewing floor.

6.     To arrange the materials properly for delivery according to requisition.

7.     To keep the materials on self after quality inspection.

8.     To inform store officer if any problem found in handling the above mentioned work.



Job responsibilities:

Designation       : Officer, senior officer, Executive

Department       : Store

Reporting Boss: Executive

Working area     : Aboni Fashions Limited

Job description:

1.     To enter into the Factory timely on every day.

2.     To make inventory of materials.

3.     To make master swatch card.

4.     Collection of master trim card approval from merchandiser.

5.     To inspect materials by QC properly and collect reports.

6.     To keep the materials on non-confirmed self and register if the QC made inspection is failed.

7.     To keep the materials on non-confirmed self and register if the QC made inspection is rejected.

8.     To supply the necessary document to computer operator for registering the materials in excel database.

9.     To inform concerned merchandiser by mail about the received and shortage accessories status.

10.   To maintain the register properly according to accessory report.

11.    keep the materials on self and display bin card according to buyer, order, color and size.

12.  To maintain F.I.F.O and L.I.F.O according to production plan.

13.      To deliver the accessories to sub-store according to requisition.

14.    To supply the requisitions to computer operator for storing in excel database after delivery.

15.    To meet shipment by communicating with finishing supervisor.

16.  Inform to store Junior Manager if any problems are found in handling the above mentioned work.




Job responsibilities:

Designation       : Store in-charge

Department       : Store

Reporting Boss  : Factory in-charge

Working area     : ABC Company

Job description:

1.     Collection of running and next style plan from factory manager/planning manager.

2.     To check accessories status according to plan and inform to higher authority.

3.     To arrange meeting with the in-charge of fabric, accessories and general store.

4.     Inform to concerned merchandiser and factory about the problems appeared in the meeting.

5.     To look after materials, receive, inventory and delivery according to S.O.P or not.

6.     To make consumption of thread, button, twill tape etc and inform to concerned merchandiser if any variation in these with merchandiser’s consumption and collect them before production finished.

7.     To look after materials inspection and take initiatives accordingly.

8.     Inform to all about audit in his department.

9.     To give maximum priority in foreign goods inventory.

10.      To look after housekeeping, whether it is ok or not.

11.    To look after for non-confirming, broken needle, wastage disposal and sharp-tools policy.

12.    To seek for similarities and dissimilarities among receive report, register, bin card and take necessary initiatives.

13.     To look after for internal audit weekly.

14.   To look after for monthly and yearly stock report.

15.   To check database.

16.  To communicate with transport department.

17. To check PO sheet and size breakdown properly and inform to all for any correction if necessary.

18. Inform to factory in-charge if any kind of problems occur.



Job responsibilities:

Designation       : Electrician

Department       : Maintenance

Reporting Boss: Junior Manager (Maintenance)

Working area     : ABC Company

Job description:

1.     To enter into the Factory timely on every day.

2.     To switch on of circuit breaker of all D.B and S.D.B after entrance in the factory.

3.     To ensure of all light and fan whether running or not.

4.     To ensure of all emergency and exit light whether on or off.

5.     To clean and check the D.B and S.D.B circuit by air in every week and finally measure the current.

6.     To check and clean all electrical wearing and channel in every fifteen days.

7.     To check lights, fans and clean the motor of machine in every month.

8.     To ensure electricity to all machine.

9.     To keep every electrical tools workable in the factory.

10. To ensure about the switch of all machine whether off or not after closed the factory and close all D.B, S.D.B breaker and switch also.






Job responsibilities:

Designation       : Supervisor

Department       : Maintenance

Reporting Boss: Maintenance In-charge

Working area     :ABC Company

Job description:

1.     To enter into the Factory timely.

2.     To ensure about the necessary instruments are ok or not.

3.     To look after that every operator start work by cleaning the machine or not.

4.     To repair the machine quickly by own self or others if anyone call for machine breakdown.

5.     To arrange the necessary machines by discussing with floor manager at the time of layout.

6.     To make ready necessary machines, folder attachment set after the PP meeting for this order.

7.     To inform senior person when failed to solve critical solution and take necessary initiatives by discussing with section in-charge if necessary.

8.     Servicing machines according to schedule of daily, weekly, fortnightly, monthly and tri-monthly.

9.     To ensure in every machine servicing card and maintenance code have or not.

10.   To maintain the idle machines properly.

11.   Inform to senior person if any kind of problems are found.



Job responsibilities:

Designation       : Senior Supervisor

Department       : Maintenance

Reporting Boss: Maintenance In-charge

Working area     : ABC Company

Job description:

1.     To enter into the Factory timely on every day.

2.     To ensure about the necessary equipment are ok or not.

3.     To look after that all maintenance supervisor have the necessary instruments or not.

4.     To look after the work of every maintenance supervisor.

5.     To appear in the place quickly by own self or others where machine breakdown occur and anyone call for it.

6.     To arrange the necessary machines by discussing with floor manager at the time of layout.

7.     To make ready necessary machines, folder attachment set after the PP meeting for this order and take necessary initiatives by discussing with section in-charge if necessary

8.     Servicing machines according to schedule of daily, weekly, fortnightly, monthly and tri-monthly.

9.     To ensure that every machine have safety equipment or not.

10.    To arrange all types of machine and equipment by collecting production plan from factory manager.

11.   Inform to senior person if any kind of problems are found.




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