

Industrial Engineeting Activities(IE Activities)


Style inquiry and development:

1.     Submit Estimated SMV, Outputs and efficiency levels for pre costing- Costing should be done based on the SMV and Cost per minute, and IE department should provided the estimated SMV for pre-costing.

2.     Analyze and comment on potential of doing the orders inquired- If any new item comes for inquiry, Marketing and Merchandising to forward to the IE department for analyzing. Style inquiry report to be filled by I.E. department and to be submitted to Merchandising and Marketing in return.

3.     Attend for the product development meeting and provide proactive input. – Need to start product development meeting at least for the new and critical items with the involvements of Sample room, Technical, IE before sample development.

4.     Attend to do the mock ups for approvals on required construction changes with the evaluation of savings and benefits-

Planning related:

5.     Submit Estimated SMV, Outputs and efficiency levels for Production planning- Need to have a systematic procedure to involve I.E. on planning output levels.

6.     Provide proactive input for efficient production scheduling, check and approve production schedules for best options- IE should be involved in planning to develop more productive production schedule.

7.     Make production plan summaries- Need to implement detail plan reports.

8.     Prepare machine, attachment and manpower requirements based on latest production schedules: Need to implement the all requirement reports based on latest loading plans on weekly and monthly basis.

Pre-production related activities:

9.             Testing and preparation for the confirmed orders – Methods, attachments: Should be involvement from the I.E. department for methods.

10.      Review the Pre production samples and comments prior to sending to buyer: All the samples to be submitted after reviewed by I.E. department to make sure Method, Construction are done as per the finalized best way same way. Accordingly I.E. department will also get ready and follow the same way.

11.      Prepare Operation bulletin and SMV, Issue and discuss operation bulleting with Production and technical staff on processes and process sequence before doing line sample: -Need to discus complete break down with production staff and need to finalize with signature for acceptance and agree before preparing line sampling.

12.      Attend for line sample with the production and quality staff; For every style I.E. officer to take part in preparation of line sample with the production and quality staff.

13.        Prepare line layouts and discuss and confirm with production and technical staff:-Need to have a layout meeting and discuss and get confirmation of acceptance for the line layout with signatures from Production, Technical and Quality staff.

14.        Prepare manpower allocation for layouts in advance to the line feeding:-Need to allocate available workers as per the best option after finalize the layout.

15.      Prepare skill requirement for each style and fulfill: After finalize the line layout I.E. department to prepare the skill requirement  for the style and need to cross check with the skill inventory to identify if any lacking in the line cadre, to take necessary action to fulfill.

16.      Maintain workers skill inventory: I.E. department involvement for the data updating not in practice. 
17.       Prepare and attend on general skill development plan: With the experience and the past records analyzed by the IE department, need to prepare a skill development plan of the workers and staff. Need to be attended and follow on the development plan continuously.

18.      Training centre activities and worker training manual:-Need to develop a training procedure manual for training center and start skill development program for the existing experience workers and also for the staffs.

19.      Follow up and make sure to keep available, required machines, attachments and manpower on time as per the style feeding plan :

Line feeding/New style Introduction:

20.       Involvement in new style introduction and Instruct, train the workers on correct methods as motion sequence including desired SMV: - Need to   involve in line feeding after start new IE SOP’s.  (Feeding report, layout procedures, method check list etc.).

21.      Organize for the best work place arrangements as desired method on SMV with maintaining a style method check list: Need to implement new method check list after complete the training for the work study officers (New and old), since still they are not much knowledgeable to do method study.

22.      Explain the SMV, Targets and plan efficiency and Incentive levels to each and every worker: Have to introduce and educate workers in future.

23.      Play an active roll on reducing line feeding losses and maintain line feeding report: Have to train I.E. officers.

At running production and day to day activities:

24.      Capacity study of all layouts/Operations after two days and within three days after feeding, SMV revision and confirmation with comparing the capacity after complete the capacity study and Make potential plan study: Need to start training.

25.      1st line layout re-balancing based on actual capacities and as per potential plan: Need to start training.

26.      Attend on daily line balancing: Need to start training.

27.      Find the bottle necks, technical and quality issues and attend to solve with addressing to the responsible persons while running the style: Need to be trained.

28.      Interval capacity study and line layout re-balancing once every two weeks time in first month and once a month after first month: Need to be trained.
29.      Attend in Continuous method improvements and SMV reductions: Need to start development process by the IE department and also need to maintain the achievements record book.

30.      Organize and conduct daily efficiency meeting with production staff, improving individual efficiencies with monitoring and making sure that the efficiency reports are accurate: Need to start as initial

31.      Monitor and record individual and line off standard times and take necessary actions to reduce the lost times. Address and discuss with management on off standard times:

32.      Achieve the maximum potentials of individuals and sections and maintain the minimum capacity gaps: Need to implement the activities to reduce the capacity gaps.
33.      Achieve planed production targets and line efficiencies: Have to train in future.

Post production activities:

34.      Style reconciliation of technical aspects (SMV, Efficiency, Production output, Material consumption, Production plan, Bottlenecks): Need to implement.

35.      Monitor the style reconciliation of received to ship: Have to start with training.

36.      Monitor the post costing:


37.      Performance evaluation of workers and factory staff and grading:

38.      Introducing and monitoring incentive schemes/Motivation tools:

39.      Management update on latest management concepts, Technology, systems and procedures, methods, tools and attachments: Need to monitor in future and evaluation need to do by the management.

40.      Maintain and achieve the targets of key performance indicators and do the comparison with other industries for management information: Need to implement the KPI measuring system. Senior management should assign the KPI owners and the targets (Entitlements) for each and every KPI. Need to start and practice “Cross Functional Team” activity meaning fully. Top management should assign the CFT leader. CFT leader should set the targets for each KPI and top management should approve it.

41.       Maintain all filing and document systems: Being maintained. But can be improved.

42.      Special tasks/Projects assign by management: Will be monitored in future.

43.      Attend for management meeting and give proactive input: Will be monitored in future. Also management should evaluate on this.

44.      Self training and maintain records of achievements: Need to maintain a self training and skill development plan for every IE officer. Also every IE officer should maintain the improvements and achievements gained by them individually. IE officers and the IE department’s evaluation also shall be done based on these records.


1.      Style file:

2.     Q.C./Q.I. instructions:

3.     Approved Fabric & trim Card: This shall be approved with the signature of Q.C. in charge.

4.     Fabric inspection: Nobody certify this report and the inspector not reporting to Q.A.M. Need to be trained.

5.     Line sample: Straight away cut 150-200 pieces and doing size set. This Line sample shall be done with the involvement of Line production, Quality, I.E., Technical and Maintenance staff of the line prior to P.P. meeting and evaluated by Line Q.C. who submit this report to Q.A.M. to comment at the P.P. meeting.

6.     Critical operation identification: Need to do in development sample stage and I.E. department shall be involved in this activity.

7.     Finish pattern / marking board approval: Patterns, which are being used in production are not signed and certified by the pattern maker and quality in charge.

8.     Line layout and manpower allocation: Operation breakdown only being made by I.E. department and Line layout and manpower allocation is done by the production staff as they wish. Need to hold layout meeting before start the P.P. meeting.

9.     Fabric and Trim status report: Status of received Fabrics and Trim report for each style to be completed by the stores to be submitted to the Merchandiser prior to P.P. meeting.

10.      Pre Production meeting: Pre production activities are not properly being completed prior to conduct the P.P. meeting.

11.                        Completion of P.P.Factory in charge shall go through each P.P. activity to make sure it has been completed by the party responsible prior to approve for the Pilot cut.

12.                        Patterns approval for Bulk cutting: Pattern set is not being approved by    the Pattern master/quality in department to use in cutting. Pattern master and Quality in charge shall sign and certify each pattern for cutting of Bulk. Need to seal edges by using rubber stamp to make sure edges are not being trimmed off or wasted.

13.                        Size set / Pilot cut approval: Size set shall be evaluated and certified by Q.A.M. and prior to give the approval for Pilot cut by factory in charge


1)    Department structure and Manpower allocation: Not available. HR department to maintain with consultation of Factory management.

2)    Section Attendance Register : Not available. Shall be maintained by    Section supervisor and certify. H.R. department shall be able to cross check with this record to compare with their records to make sure the accuracy and accountability of this activity.

3)    Stores requisition: Requisition which is available in the factory is only a single page. Not triplicate with self carbon copies. Submitting requisition to stores without being authorized by Department head. Need to maintain triplicate books with self carbon copies. Each requisition to be signed and approved by the Section in charge to submit to Stores.

4)    Bulk cut procedure: Approval for Bulk cut Verbally given by A.V.P. or Factory Manager. Bulk cut approval to be given properly after evaluating size set with the report certified by the Q.A. department and with written approval from the Factory in charge. Shall follow this procedure.

5)    Cut Instruction (C.I.): Not available. C.I to be issued to cutting by Merchandiser with the approval of Factory in charge and Q.A. Manager to proceed with bulk cut.

6)    Distribution plan: Not available. F.M. shall distribute line distribution plan to the cutting in charge to prepare style cut plan accordingly. Incase if ONE STYLE is allocated for 2 or 3 Sewing units, F.M. shall advise cutting in charge clearly  which quantity in color and size wise to be distributed to each Line..

7)    Style cut plan: Available. But the details factory is maintaining is inadequate.
                               Shall maintain a document in more details.

8)    Approved marker: Not available. Marker to be approved by the CAD in charge to assure and certify the drawn marker is as per the  approved pattern, Correct ratio, Within approved consumption and correct technical requirements met and with the optimum efficiency.
9)    Day cut plan:  Not available. This plan shall be made by the cutting in charge daily to prepare required cut quantity, Table allocation, Manpower utilization for next day’s input quantity.

10)     Stores requisition: Stores requisition: Requisition which is available in the factory is only a single page. Not triplicate with self carbon copies. Submitting requisition to stores without being authorized by Department head. Need to maintain triplicate books with self carbon copies. Each requisition to be signed and approved by the Section in charge to submit to Stores.

11)     Bundle guide chart: O.K., But line wise chart is not being distributed for
Line follow up. Shall distribute a copy of this bundle guide chart to each line, which consist of all Bundle no’s and quantity issued.

12)     Printing / Embroidery sending out & receiving : Not available. Not maintained as per Bundle guide chart to follow through total cut and bundle quantity.  Factory shall maintain records with more details and make sure each bundle shall be issued to line with complete Quantity, also in bundle number sequence as per the Bundle guide chart.


Special suggestion in cutting section activities:
       A recorder shall be assigned to Cutting department functions full time with a Computer.


1.      Department structure and Manpower budget: Not available. HR     department to maintain with consultation of Factory management.

2.     Section Attendance Register : Not available. Shall be maintained by    Section supervisor and certify. H.R. department shall be able to cross check with this record to compare with their records to make sure the accuracy and accountability of this activity.

3.     Q.C./Q.I, instructions: Not available. Given verbally. Instructions to Q.C’s and Q.I.’s shall be given in writing to hold responsibility to perform the job, which shall be instructed.

4.     Marker checking:  Not having proper records with details. Q.I. Shall maintain documents with details and responsible manner.

5.     Spreading checking: Available. Inspector's name and signature is not available in this report, which shall contain with more details.

6.     Cut Inspection: Available. Records in completed and need to be more detailed.

7.     Cut panel inspection: Not done by quality inspectors. Done by cutting helpers. Not regularly. Shall have a quality inspectors for inspection under the responsibility of Cutting quality in charge with maintaining records.

8.     Daily cut panel replacement records: Not available. Cutting section shall
maintain records of Panel replacements with keeping up responsibility of        request made through A.P.M’s level.

9.     Cut panel defects/Rejects  Monthly summery: Not available. Shall introduce to provide Monthly details for Key Performance Indicators.

10.                  Printing inspection: No records available. Shall perform by Cutting quality Team and maintain bundle wise records with defect details.

11.                  Embroidery inspection: No records available. Shall perform by Cutting quality  team and maintain bundle wise records with defect details.

12.                  Fusing inspection: Fusing is done under the supervision of Sewing section. No records available. Recommend to do Fusing under the supervision of Cutting section.

Sewing Department                                                                                      


Present performance: -

Sewing department productivity calculated in terms of efficiency.
Efficiency calculated based on the line outputs and Standard Minute Value of the on going style.

Average Style Efficiency after 5 days learning curve

Item                            Efficiency                  Running days
Tubular         -           43.0%                          17 Days
Basic Pant     -           35.7%                          25 Days
Polo                -           46.0%                          16 Days

Day Efficiency at the peak

Item                            Efficiency                  Running days
Tubular         -           48.5%                          3-4 Days
Basic Pant     -           42.4%                          15-16 Days
Polo                -           48.7%                          From 9th day to 21st, cont.

Above average calculated figures based on data gathered from 1st of July 2009 to 4th of August  2009, and efficiency has calculated as per the existing SMV’s which are using in Knit Asia Limited for efficiency calculations. (SMV’s given by Knit Asia Limited IE department).

Calculation Method            Produced hours (SAH) x 100
                        Total Working hours

 Benchmark: -Industry benchmark is 70% for the labor productivity (Efficiency)
(Benchmark is defined as per the average standard achieving in south east countries for garment manufacturing).

Potential for the improvement

In terms of performance:

·               Knit Asia Limited has potential in developing Style Avg: efficiency level (With out 5 days learning curve) up to 55%, against to present achievement of 40% efficiency, by reducing the unnecessary manpower input and increasing existing output levels

·               Existing style Efficiency at the peak has achieved  42% to 49%, and has potential in developing it up to 57% to 65%.

This can be improved in terms of,
  • Increasing hourly out put by maximum available time utilization
o   Line loading without delay is a prime requirement
o   Delays in line loading could be achieved by proper production capacity planning and better production scheduling with controlling. Also need to be improved the total supply chain process
  • Reducing unnecessary manpower and working hours by maintaining the same or more out put. And to control the manpower.
  • Practices proper standard operation procedures.
  • Introducing attractive and fare motivation tools.
  • Definitely it will also depend on how effective and strong the IE department and its functions.

Tubular T-Shirt
Style average day output after 5 days learning curve
  • Existing line is achieving  2480pcs per day by using 33 people
  • Potential is to achieve 2870pcs by using 30 people with remaining same machineries

Day output at the peak of the style
·       Existing line is achieving  2800pcs per day by using 33 people
·       Potential is to achieve 3000pcs by using 30 people with remaining same machineries

Basic Pant
Average day output after 5 days learning curve
  • Existing line is achieving  2100pcs per day by using 32 people
  • Potential is to achieve 2600pcs by using 27 people with remaining same machineries

Day output at the peak
  • Existing line is achieving  2500pcs per day by using 32 people
  • Potential is to achieve 2800pcs by using 27 people with remaining same machineries

Basic Polo Shirt
Average day output after 5 days learning curve
  • Existing line is achieving  1700pcs per day by using 64 people
  • Potential is to achieve 2100pcs by using 58 people with remaining same machineries

Day output at the peak
  • Existing line is achieving  1800pcs per day by using 64 people
  • Potential is to achieve 2300pcs by using 58 people with remaining same machineries

Sewing System observation and recommendations:

1)    Department structure and Manpower allocation: Not available. HR department to maintain with consultation of Factory management.

2)    Section Attendance Register : Not available. Shall be maintained by    Section supervisor and certify. H.R. department shall be able to cross check with this record to compare with their records to make sure the accuracy and accountability of this activity.

3)    Style file: Status as same as we have mentioned in Pre production activities.

4)    Stores requisition: Status as same as we have mentioned in Cutting production activities.

5)    Approved sample, Line sample and Finish patterns: Status as same as we have mentioned in Pre production activities.

6)    Production Line loading plan: A Plan prepared by F.M.  Not the plan made by Planning as we mean as Freezing plan. Shall follow Line loading plan.

7)    Manpower allocation & transfer record: Not available. Already introduced by S.L.T.S. and in practice with new W/S officers.

8)    Individual hourly production report: Not available. Shall introduce immediately to hold responsibility of Line Chief and supervisors for follow ups and better supervision.

9)    Bundle tracking: Not available. Shall introduce immediately with the involvement of W/Study team and production team.

10)     Revision of Layouts, SMV and Targets: Not in practice. Have observed 
        many  errors in existing SMV calculations. Shall be corrected when S.L.T.S.
        involve with Line production as per the Project schedule.

11)     Daily Line forecast meeting: Not in practice. Shall start immediately with    
        the training of production team.

12)     Overtime plan and Approval: Approval for O.T. plan is available, but
       approval for payment is not being authorized. Payment shall be authorized
       by the Factory in charge as per this procedure.

13)     Skill inventory:  O.K., no data available in I.E. department, available only   
        with factory manager. I.E. department shall be involved with this activity  
        in regular intervals.

14)     Lost Time Record: Not available. Already introduced by S.L.T.S. with
        involvement of new W/S officers. Production staff shall be trained in this
        activity to get their involvement in line.

15)     Bottle neck solving procedure: Not in practice. Shall be introduced in
        future with the training of W/S team and the involvement of production  

16)     Daily Efficiency Report: Not available. Shall introduce   systematic
        recording in detail. S.L.T.S. will introduce this activity and will be in action
   from the month  of February.

17)      Weekly progress meeting: Not available. Shall introduce to conduct this
         meeting, which shall be led by A.V.P. Production / F.M. to discuss with all
         departmental heads to review status of running week as well as preparation
         to be made for next week. Meeting shall be held in the last day of every

18)     Goods transfer records: Available, but format shall be revised to have
        more details with size/color wise.


01)     Department structure and Manpower budget: Not available. HR
     department to maintain with consultation of Factory management.

02)     Section Attendance Register : Not available. Shall be maintained by   
         Section supervisor and certify. H.R. department shall be able to cross check      
         with this record to compare with their records to make sure the accuracy and
         accountability of this activity.

03)     Q.C. /Q.I. Instructions: Not available. Instructions to Q.C’s and Q.I.’s shall
be given in writing to hold responsibility to perform the job, which shall be instructed.

04)     Line Feeding report: Not available. Shall be maintained by Line Q.C.,
        along  with Line supervisor and Work Study officer.

05)  Machine Checking Report:  Available. But Maintained by Mechanic only. Need  the involvement of Line Q.C. to assure that running machine condition is not damaging line Production and Quality.

06)   In process Monthly – Defects/Rejects summery: Was not available. Already introduced by  S.L.T.S. to gather details for KPI’s.        

07)      End Line –  Monthly defects/rejects summery: Was not available. Already    
           introduced by  S.L.T.S. to gather details for KPI’s.   
08)  Monthly summery of A.Q.L. audits: Was not available. Already    
           introduced by  S.L.T.S. to gather details for KPI’s.             


01)  Departmenmt structure and manpower budget:  Not available. HR
     department to maintain with consultation of Factory management.

02)  Section Attendance Register :  Not available. Shall be maintained by   
        Section supervisor and certify. H.R. department shall be able to cross check    
        with this record to compare with their records to make sure the accuracy and
        accountability of this activity.

03) Approved Packing sample: Sample available only with the Red tag. No  
       signatures of merchandiser or Q.A.M. not available to certify.

04) Approved Trim Card: Status as same as mentioned above in this activity.

05) Stores requisition: Status as same as mentioned above in this activity.

06) Garment receiving records: Not available,  receiving not in  color/size
       wise. Shall maintain records to receive and maintain packing ratio.

07) Hourly production report: No individual production recording in practice.    
       Shall maintain this record under the responsibility of section supervisor.

08)  Finishing returns (Garments): Procedure not available. Shall maintain records  of returning garments to Stores with proper accountability.

09)  Finishing returns (General & Accessories): Procedure not available. Shall maintain records of returning goods to Stores with proper accountability.


01)     Department structure and Manpower budget: Not available. HR
     department to maintain with consultation of Factory management.

02)  Section Attendance Register : Not available. Shall be maintained by   
        Section supervisor and certify. H.R. department shall be able to cross check     
        with this record to compare with their records to make sure the accuracy and
        accountability of this activity.

03)  Q.C. /Q.I. Instructions: Not available. Instructions to Q.C’s and Q.I.’s shall be given in writing to hold responsibility to perform the job, which shall be instructed.

04)  Hourly finishing quality inspection report: Not available. Inspection is  
       being conducted by Q.I.’s  operation wise separately rather than inspecting the
       complete garment. Due to this system factory has been unable to maintain
       hourly inspection reports for defect analysis and Q.I. performances. Shall
       introduce to check the inside of the garment completely by one inspector and
       out side completely by another inspector. 

05) Finishing Monthly defects/rejects summery: Not available. Shall be
      maintained by  Finishing quality in charge. This summary shall be important to   
      review progress by the Management.

06) Finishing A.Q.L. Audit: Not available.. Shall introduce  A.Q.L. audit for  
  Finish Garments prior to get in to poly bag.

07) Monthly summery of A.Q.L. audits: Not available. Shall be maintained.    
      This  summary shall be important to review progress by the  Management.

Special suggestion:
  A recorder shall be assigned to Finishing department functions full time with a  Computer.

General activities :

01)  Daily factory attendance report: Available, but not line wise.

02)     Factory daily quality report: Not available. Shall maintain this report daily by Q.A. department and certify by Q.A. manager and shall be available for   
        management information.

03)  Final style reconciliation: Not available. Shall introduce new format and  comprehensive details certified by the section heads of Stores, Cutting, Sewing and Finishing upon completion of each style to review by Factory in charge..

Gap analysis
A Gap Analysis was conducted for the all processes in one line. Following are the summary of findings from Gap Analysis.
Area                            Gap                                         Potential of Gap                                                                                                                Minimization up to
                                                                                    (Best practices)          
·         Capacity Gap                    31%                                         15%
·         Utilization Gap                 30%                                         5%
Capacity Gap Analysis                                                                                 
Capacity Gap analysis has done in Lines 33,34 &47/48 and found the huge Gap between available capacity and actual achieving.
Done a capacity study and found the average cycle times in all processes in the sewing line and calculated the Capacity Gap as 31% .

Utilization Gap                                                                                              
Utilization Gap is excursive and the line balancing is not satisfactory in the sewing floor. Potentials of the workers are in satisfaction level, but factory is not utilizing those potential of the present workers and machines. It is required to introduce a proper layout balancing systems to utilize the maximum of present available potentials in all Man, Machine and Space.


Needle down Time and Time Utilization                                          

An activity sampling study has been carried out to find out the needle down time and percentages of the process activities. As per the ‘Activity Sample’ has done in Line-33 & 47/48 and found the bellow utilization percentages.

Needle down time is = 18.10 %

Benchmark level is 20 %( with out helper)

Ineffective activity   =30.3 %                                                                            

Main Ineffective percentages found in bellow activities
Talking and laughing
Not in the work place with work
Waiting with having work
M/C break down

High utilization & Capacity Gaps found due to;
  • No proper systematic line balancing
  • Production monitoring not doing properly
  • No pressure on production teams
  • Lack of IE functions
  • Wrong methods using for solving bottle necks
  • Lack of technical, production, and general knowledge of production staff
  • Not tracking and considering the efficiency levels and productivity indicators of individual processes
  • Machine and Quality problems
  • Less emphasis on motivation system
  • Bad planning

The utilization Gap analyzing summary report (Activity sample summery) has attached in appendices

Trial Study achievements
 During the production studies have achieved 40% (Average) Improvement
on bellow operations.

Production study Follow-Up observation sheets has attached in appendices

Average gained by Follow up or Production Study

Style No
Previous best
Study Achieve
ZT 180
Piping attach to shoulder

Bottom Hem

Sleeve attach

Sleeve hen

Neck band attach

Elastic attach to W/band

Belt top stitch

Bottom Hem
Sleeve attach

Placket top stitch with ptrn

Bottom Hem

Placket attach



Out come

·         Particular workers who have achieved higher productivity within a short period of time, has realized the potentiality gaps.

·         Production management has realized the opportunity left behind due to lack of technical know how. 


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