

Engineering Bulletin


Engineering bulletin of a garment means an official statement of breakdown of operations, time measurement of each operation, machine name used in each operation, capacity of each operation, allocated man power to perform each operation, balancing graph of all the operations and process flow chart for that style i.e. how the machines will be set for smooth and continuous production of that style/garment. It is the summary of man, machine, time (SMV) for production of a garment.

In summary an engineering bulletin consists of:
1. Operation breakdown with cycle time, machine name and allocated manpower.
2. Balancing graph.
3. Operation flow chart/ Layout.

Steps for making Engineering Bulletin:

1. Floor R&D officer will collect plan from the concern planner at least two weeks plan at a time.
2. List down all the upcoming styles (1 week before the input date).
3. Floor R&D officer will collect the physical sample of styles from Sample room/concern DPD/ concern merchandizer.
4. Floor R&D officer collect operation breakdown and SMV from the style Analyzer.
5. R&D officer will breakdown the operations and provide cycle time for all the operations that are given in the breakdown sheet collected from the Style Analyzer.
6. If found any discrepancy in cycle time or missing any operation, must have to inform Style analyzer. Both will sit together and confirm the operation or cycle time.
7. R&D officer will put the machine names used in each operation with mentioning necessary guide and folder to be used on that operation.
8. R&D officer will put the process-wise capacity and allocated/required man power for performing that operation.
9. R&D officer will put primary balancing of operations showing which operation will balanced by whom/ operation.
10. R&D officer will put a summary of a SMV, man power and machines.
11. R&D officer will put a target for this bulletin considering SMV, manpower and targeted efficiency of the production unit.
12. R&D officer will add a machine layout confirming continuous flow of garments without any back-flow of products while in production.

Procedure of using Engineering Bulletin:
1. R&D officer will share this bulletin with production manager and cross-check by both party to eliminate any missing.
2. R&D officer will provide this bulletin to line supervisor and maintenance department prior the input date.
3. Line supervisor must have to follow the Engineering bulletin for machine and man power set up.
4. Line supervisor can’t add any machine or man power in the line that is not mentioned in the engineering bulletin.
5. If line supervisor have any query about the capacity of any operation, he/ she will provide the requirement to concern R&D officer. R&D officer will take care of that operation until the capacity reaches to the target of that line.
6. If found necessity of adding any man or machine to the line, need signature of R&D in-charge after describing the necessity.
7. Line supervisors must have to meet the targeted production and efficiency mentioned in the engineering bulletin.


1. This will be treated as one of the KPI of evaluating the performance of the supervisor.
2. KPI status can be measure by the following chart. For all styles in a month, maintaining exact man power and efficiency provided in the engineering bulletin; achieved % and status will follow the below chart:
Achieved %KPI Status90-100 %Green80-90 %Yellow70-80 %OrangeBelow 70 %Red
3. Failure in maintaining green in three consequent months will cause penalty (decided by management).

Responsible person:

1. R&D officer.
2. Line supervisor.
3. Line mechanic.
4. Production manager.

Observed by:
1. R&D in-charge.
2. Factory head.
3. Executive Director.

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