

Time Study Or Work Measurement


What is Work measurement?

Work measurement is the application of techniques design to establish the time for a qualified worker to carry out a specified job at a defined level of performance.   

      Objectives of work measurement:
1)   Planning: Work measurement data forms a reliable basis for planning and loading men and machine so that management is to able to utilize these resources to the best advantage.

2)   Control: Reliable figure of actual use of resources are invaluable for the management for making sound decision on how to increase productive efficiency.

3)   Incentive: It provides basis for a fair and realistic incentive scheme.

4)   Budgeting: It provides information for labor budgeting systems.

5)   Costing: It provides basis for standard costing system.

6)   To find out individual worker capacity

7)   To find out line capacity.

8)   To find out bottleneck area.

9)   To find out effective time.

10)To establish the standard time (SAM/SMV/SAH).

11)To find out worker/line efficiency.

12)To know the worker/line productivity gap.

     Uses of work measurement:

1)   To compare the efficiency of alternative method, the method, which takes the least time, will be the best method.

2)   To balance the work of members of teams, as nearly as possible each member has a task taking an equal time to perform.

3)   To provide information that can enable to estimates the delivery date.

4)   To set standards of machine manpower utilization and labor performance.

To provide information for labor cost control and to enable standard cost to be fixed and maintained.
Purpose of Work Measurement
  1. To find ineffective time in a process
  2. To set standard for output level
  3. To evaluate worker's performance
  4. To plan work force needs.
  5. To determine available capacity
  6. To compare work methods
  7. To facilitate operations scheduling
  8. To establish wage incentive schemes
The Techniques of Work Measurement
  1.  Time study
  2.  Work sampling
  3. Synthesis from standard data
  4.  Predetermined motion time system (PMTS)
  5. Estimating(Analytical estimating and comparative estimating)

  What is time study?
         Time study is a work measurement technique for recording the time of performing a certain/specified conditions and for analyzing the data so as to obtain time necessary for an operator to carry out at a define rate of performance.

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