

Bottle Neck


Definition Of Bottleneck

Minimum production capacity workstation of a line is called "Bottle neck position"

Result Of Bottleneck

  • Production loss
  • Productivity fail
  • Bad quality
  • Increase cost of manufacturing
  • Reason of stain(Dirty,Oil)
  • Indiscipline work station
  • Long lead time

What is the reason of bottleneck?

A bottleneck may be raised in the line for the following reasons…
  1. If the said operator has more work content than other operators.
  2. If the operator is unskilled or semi skilled in respect to the operation. 
  3. If there happens quality fault in the operation.
  4. If two or various types (color) of thread are used in the same machine.
  5. If there is any problem in machinery purpose.

How to find bottleneck?

Find bottleneck in team using cycle’s checks / by continuous follow up in line.

How to solve bottlenecks?

Two things are very essential to solve a bottleneck.
A. Gathering information regarding the operation.
B.Complete analysis of the operation.
Using the following steps can solve bottleneck………………….
  1.   Selection the correct operator/ operation.
  2.  Improve operator performance (skill/speed)
  3. Improve method
  4.   Reduce work content of operation.
  5. Additional machinery / operator.
  6. Old methods E.G before automatic M/C were invented.
  7. Ensure bottleneck is not working on faulty production produced before the bottleneck.
Bottleneck=10pcs / hr=100/day
But two per hour go to operation before bottleneck (for repair) & need again to pass through bottleneck.

Bottleneck capacity= 10-2 Repairs (Not own)
                                    = 8 / hr=80 / day (10 hrs)
I.E. Further 20 jobs lost.
    8. Find capacity elsewhere in line factory.
    9.  Work lunch breaks / overtime / shifts I.E maximize sewing time.
   10.  If absolutely necessary Add Helper in addition E.C unpicking repairs, turning through etc.  maximize sewing time.

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